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What is the world's most populous country, the least populous country, and the mother tongue?

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#1 Introduction


Which country has the largest population in the world?
We are familiar with the fact that China and India have a population of more than 1 billion.
Do you know about the country with the smallest population?
And do you know the language they use?


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To solve these questions today, Let's take a look at the world's most populous country, the world's least populous country, and the language they use!



#2 The world's most populous country.


To look at the world's most populous country, the world population review site was used.

This site is a site that informs the number of people in 2021 and refers to the UN's global population outlook.

China is the world's most populous country in the world, and China's population in 2021 was around 1.444 billion.


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Next, India and India had a population of 1.393.4 billion, 50.8 million less than that of China.
It was followed by the United States and Indonesia.
In the case of Korea, the population is estimated to be 51.3 million, ranking 28th overall.


Ranking Name of country Language The number of people.
1st China Chinese 1,444,216,107
2nd India Hindi, English 1,393,409,038
3rd The United States English 332,915,073
4th Indonesia Indonesian 276,361,783
5th Pakistan Urdu, Punjabi... 225,199,937
6th Brazil Portuguese 213,993,437
7th Nigeria English, Hausa 211,400,708
8th Bangladesh Bengali 166,303,498
9th Russia Russian 145,912,025
10th Mexico Spanish 130,262,216
... ... ... ...
28th Republic of Korea Korean 51,305,186


In the case of countries with a large population, it was found that most countries mainly speak their own language.
Then, let's take a look at which country has the least population!



#3 The least-populous country in the world


To look at the world's least populous countries, the world population review site was used.
The country with the smallest population examined through this site was Vatican City.
The number of citizens in Vatican City is 800, and the language they speak in Italian.


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The next least populous country was Tokelau, and Tokelau was a New Zealand-based island, where the language was Tokelau and English, and the population was 1,373.
After Tokelau, Niue, Falkland Islands, and Montserrat appeared in order.



Most of the countries with a small population are territorial dispute areas or countries dominated by Britain and France, and it can be seen that the language mainly speaks English and French.


Ranking Name of country Language The Number of people
1st Vatican City Italian 800
2nd Tokelau Tokelau, English 1,373
3rd Niue Niue, English 1,619
4th The Falkland Islands English 3,533
5th Montserrat English 4,977
6th Saint-Pierre Miquelon French 5,766
7th Saint-Barthélemy French 9,907
8th Republic of Nauru Nauru, English 10,876
9th Wallis Futuna French 11,094
10th Tuvalu Tuvalu, English. 11,931



Three lines summary!
1. China, the country with the largest population.
2. Vatican City, the country with the least population.
3. Low-populated countries speak English and French.

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